Eco Church
Since we are people of faith, it is easy to see the world with an optimistic outlook and bring the light of God into darker areas. Have you thought about embracing a resolution related to the environment? Perhaps there is something you haven’t been able to muster the courage to tackle or change.
This is the perfect opportunity to put it on your to-do list. It could be recycling, composting, or buying organic vegetables or environmentally-friendly household cleaning products. It could also be about your garden or bicycle, saving water or simply turning out the lights. Over the next two weeks we are focusing our services on our commitment to being an Eco church and as part of this we will include an Eco tip in our newsletter that you may like to do.
Slides from our guest speaker on Sunday 16 January, Revd. Derek Winterburn, can be found here. He is the Kensington Area Lead for Creation Care – equipping us as individuals and as churches to care more effectively for the planet God has entrusted to us. He’s both stimulating and challenging!!