Our Vision

2021 has been a year that has seen us looking forward again because we have 2 great opportunities.  Firstly, there are now no longer any restrictions on our meeting, in any way – so we need to find new ways of building back our relationships and congregations.  Secondly, we had an extraordinary response to the giving campaign in the latter part of 2021 in the form of a number of one-off gifts.  As a result we have a very rare chance to grow and develop the long-term ministry of Holy Trinity.

The PCC conducted 2 listening exercises with the congregation – both in-person and on-line.   They met for a Saturday morning with the Archdeacon in October 2021 and have had further dedicated meetings in 2022 to work out clear priorities for our church.  They have tried to reflect the clear views of the congregation and the view of the Archdeacon that it is important to effect a step-change in the life of Holy Trinity rather than fritter the opportunity away on many small items.  Their conclusions are detailed as 6 priorities here: