Electoral Roll Application
If you would like to join our Electoral Roll, please complete the form below. All additional notes can be found below.

- The only Churches at present in communion with the Church of England are other Anglican Churches and certain foreign Churches.
- Membership of the Electoral Roll is also open to members in good standing of a Church not in communion with the Church of England which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity where those members are also prepared to declare themselves to be members of the Church of England.
- Every six years a new roll is prepared and those on the previous roll are informed so that they can re-apply. If you are not resident in the parish but were on the roll as an habitual worshipper and have been prevented by sickness or absence or other essential reason from worshipping for the past six months, you may write “would” before “have habitually attended” on the form and add “but was prevented from doing so because…” and then state the reason.
- If you have any problems over this form, please approach the clergy or lay people responsible for the parish, who will be pleased to help you.
5. In this form “parish” means ecclesiastical parish.