Church Rota

Rotas are now coordinated through the ChurchSuite software.  If you are on a rota and have not yet received an invite to join ChurchSuite, please email to let Lucy know.  Please also check junk mail and make sure you list any ChurchSuite email addresses as safe.

Please use ChurchSuite for the most up to date version of the rotas.

It is a great help to our rota leaders if you can log any known unavailability on the system, before the rotas are created each quarter.  You can find a helpful guide to logging your unavailability using ChurchSuite by clicking here.

If you are unable to make your duty, you can email your rota group to try and find a swap using the  ChurchSuite function.  You can find a helpful guide of how to send a message to your rota group using ChurchSuite by clicking here.